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Turn Knowledge Into Action

Add powerful AI practice scenarios to your training.

Give your teams a safe space to develop skills, with AI-powered role-plays that make effective learning available to everyone.

Practice Makes Perfect

Make anything trainable.

Turn critical business moments into powerful practice scenarios. Leadership challenges, sales conversations, customer care – if it matters to your business, your teams can now practice it.

Leadership Development

Customer Service

Sales Conversations

Performance Reviews

Conflict Resolution

Feedback Conversations

Change Management

Employee Onboarding

Negotiation Skills

Crisis Communication

Employee Relations

and more..

Easy Creation

Create engaging practice scenarios in minutes

Turn your training content into interactive role-plays without coding. Just describe the scenario you want, and our AI helps you build engaging practice conversations your learners will love.

AI Observer

Real-time guidence and insightful feedback

Learners get real-time guidance during each role-play. Our AI observer helps them improve their communication and decisions with optional real-time guidance and post-roleplay feedback.

Advanced AI Technology

AI that understands the unsaid

Our AI avatars act and respond like real people, adapting their personality, emotions, and reactions to match your scenarios. They use the camera and microphone to analyze body language, facial expressions and tone.

Beyond Basic Metrics

Measure what was impossible before

Now you can track what matters in soft skills – from emotional responses to conversation handling. Get detailed insights into how your teams communicate, decide, and improve over time.


Template library

Never start from scratch. Access our library of customizable templates and industry-specific scenarios to jumpstart your training.

Price Increase Conversation

You need to inform a long-term client that their service fee will increase by 12% next quarter due to rising operational costs.

Account Management

Missed Deadline Discussion

A key team member has missed their third deadline in two months, affecting the entire project timeline. You need to address this pattern.

Team Leadership

Product Malfunction Escalation

The customer's product is down due to your software malfunction. They're threatening to go public on social media.

Customer Success

Competitor Lowball Conversation

Your prospect reveals that your main competitor offered a 45% discount. They like your solution better but can't justify the price difference to their board.


Inappropriate Comment Response

During a team meeting, a senior employee made an inappropriate comment about a colleague's cultural background.

People Management

Generate scenarios with AI

Create role-plays unique to your organization. Just describe the scenario you want, add your content, and let our AI generate authentic practice conversations your teams will recognize.

Your prospect reveals that your main competitor offered a 45% discount. They like your solution better but can't justify the price difference to their board.
You need to inform a long-term client that their service fee will increase by 12% next quarter due to rising operational costs.
A key team member has missed their third deadline in two months, affecting the entire project timeline. You need to address this pattern.
The customer's product is down due to your software malfunction. They're threatening to go public on social media.
New suggestion
New suggestion

Build custom scenarios

Make scenarios that mirror your business reality. Customize language, responses, and success criteria to match your exact training requirements.

Share and integrate scenarios easily

No need to start over. Add role-play practice to any training module through your LMS and make your current programs more effective.

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Anybody with this link will be able to view the role-play.
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Expressive Avatars

Our AI avatars show emotions, react to tone, and adapt their responses - just like real people.

Custom Personas

Create customers, colleagues, and stakeholders that feel authentic to your industry.

API for developers

Build role-play practice directly into your apps and platforms. Simple integration, powerful capabilities – just the way developers like it.

Finally, training that delivers measurable behavior change.

Role-play practice works. When people practice difficult conversations in a safe environment, they become better at handling them in real life. Now AI makes it possible to scale.



increase in knowledge gain with role-play



better usage of cooperative strategies



less conflict escalation behavior

Seamlessly fit into your
existing L&D ecosystem

Enhance your training programs without disrupting them. Our role-plays integrate directly with your LMS, adding practice where your content needs it most.

Frequently asked questions

What exactly is Offstage?

It's an AI-powered platform that lets you create interactive training scenarios where employees can practice real conversations and decisions. Think of it like a flight simulator, but for workplace skills - your team can practice difficult conversations, sales pitches, or customer service scenarios in a safe environment.

How does it integrate with our existing training programs?

Offstage complements your current training initiatives by providing the practice component that's often missing. After employees complete traditional training (e.g., workshops, e-learning), they can immediately practice applying that knowledge in customized scenarios. The platform integrates with major LMS providers, allowing you to:

- Embed role-play scenarios directly into existing learning paths
- Track completion and performance through your current LMS

How long does it take to create a scenario?

You can build a basic scenario in minutes using our AI assistant and templates. Most customers start with our pre-built scenarios and customize them to their needs, which takes even less time.

Do I need to be tech-savvy to use it?

Not at all. If you can use PowerPoint, you can use Offstage™. Our platform is designed to be simple and intuitive, with no coding or technical knowledge required.

How do learners actually use it?

Employees log in through their web browser (on any device) and interact with AI characters in realistic scenarios. They make choices, speak their responses, and get immediate feedback on how they're doing. They can practice as many times as they want.

What kinds of skills can we train?

Anything that involves human interaction, such as:

– Customer service conversations
– Sales negotiations
– Management conversations
– Giving and receiving feedback
– Difficult conversations
– Leadership scenarios
– Compliance interactions

Get early access

Currently in beta with select enterprises. We're looking for forward-thinking L&D teams to join our early access program and help define the future of role-play training.